September 05, 2007

It's fair to ask whether the BBC will next be censoring programs about the Holocaust under the guist of its "Impartiality" doctrine.
Signifying nothing: From a blogger named Matt Stoller:
Also, while I'm doing a bit of ranting, stupid articles on what the 'netroots' does or does not do, such as this one or this one, to take but two examples, that ignore the fact that no top-tier Democrat differs from Clinton on Iraq, are really really stupid. They are much stupider than articles (like this one by Art Levine or this one by the usually-very-good Kevin Drum) that just whine inaccurately* about what 'the blogosphere' should have done as if the blogosphere is some top-down organization with centralized management that controls the Democratic party leadership rather than a network of people with somewhat highly trafficked websites held in mild disdain by most Democrats on the Hill with any decision-making authority or useful information. Although to be fair to the previous two really stupid articles, the latter two stupid articles were pretty stupid.
Huh? Well, feel free to rant away, Mr. Stoller, but it wouldn't hurt to get a f**king clue. Lefty bloggers are great at raising money for causes, for garnering attention to worthy causes, and for publicizing dark horse challengers, but on a tactical level, they have all the sense of a cage of spastic ferrets being harassed by a deranged hive of wasps. Bloggers can get a Ned Lamont nominated, but actually electing him, or avoiding doing really airheadish things that rile up the opposition, is another thing entirely.

Stoller's notion that blogs doesn't have "top-down" organizational control is technically correct (for one thing, traffic-wise, political writing is a relatively insignificant part of the blogosphere), but it still obscures the very negative role the Queen Beez play in determining what the agenda is for the rest of the non-MSM. If anything, it's "pretty stupid" for Stoller to pretend that within the lefty blogosphere, there aren't about a dozen bloggers who link almost exclusively to each other, who generate 99% of the press coverage, and thereby set the agenda for the rest of us.

Like it or not, that exclusivity can be a strength, since it keeps us on message and magnifies our influence, but it also backfires on occasion, as Mr. Drum points out in the post referenced above. Depending on the season, we are told by the Queen Beez that we have to elect more Democrats to Congress, no matter what position they take, or we are told that we have to purge the "Bush Dog" Demos at the first chance, or we just sit back and make snarky quips about "Friedman Units" and post photoshopped pics of Joe Lieberman. With that sort of de facto leadership, it's no wonder we feel like we get snookered at every turn.

*BTW, how does anyone "whine inaccurately" about anything? "Whining" connotes an undignified, childish complaint; it's not a verb that can be properly modified by an adverb relating to the accuracy of the complaint, since whether the whine is true or not is irrelevant. In any event, if you are going to complain about the whining of others, it would be best not to adopt such a prissy, petulant tone.

September 03, 2007

Later turned into a very boring cover by Jimi Hendrix, this has all the spirit that the drug-ladled Hendrix version lacked:

It was their only hit, though....

September 02, 2007

Turns out all the U.S. needed to reclaim the top spot in world hoops was a dose of Kobe...of course, it also helps that LaBron and Carmelo aren't rookies anymore, either. Surround Bryant with some talent, and you've got a team with mucho swagger. Let's face it, A.I. and Duncan are both talented players, but by themselves, they don't put the fear of god into anyone, especially not at the international level. Kobe Bryant, on the other hand, sends a signal to the rest of the world that the real battle is for silver.