July 30, 2002

I couldn't resist posting this sob story, written by Cokie Roberts, about how federal judges making $150k a year are underpaid. The kicker is when she complains that judges have lifetime appointments, and, at least on paper make a good salary, but they still have to send their children to college, and besides that, $150k is less than what first-year associates at large firms make. Well, Cokie, everyone with kids has to worry about coming up with the scratch for college, including people who don't have an honorific before their name, and first-year associates, unlike federal judges, sometimes have to work more than four days a week, six hours a day, and usually without the benefit of a team of law clerks paid for by the tax payers. Hey, if a "low" salary gets Manual Real, Royce Lambirth or Lawrence Silberman off the federal payroll, I'm for it.

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