August 15, 2003

Kevin Drum of CalPundit challenges a certain Dixiecrat blogger to comment on the more pervasive phenomenum of white "affirmative action", a system of unacknowledged biases that allow unqualified people to fail upwards due to the color of their skin (the example used is that of Robert Hanssen, the FBI agent who "advanced on the career ladder despite weak performance, poor management skills and awkward relations with colleagues," while still managing to spy for the Russians for twenty years.

Unfortunately, membership does have its privileges; real affirmative action is designed to expand participation in programs, jobs, and educational slots beyond the favored class, whilst white affirmative action is geared towards limiting the applicant pool. But both get used by their detractors as examples of the unqualified receiving undeserved benefits, which is indeed a sad commentary on race relations.

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