February 11, 2003

Today is the day Tom Daschle is supposed to announce whether the Democrats plan to filibuster the Estrada nomination. So far, only three members of the caucus are off the reservation, and the GOP's clumsy attempt to make the nominee's ethnicity his sole qualification for the position has backfired; what was a longshot last week is now being seriously discussed by Democrats, whether they have the yarbles to prevent the capture of the judiciary by an ideological fringe. The best way to help Democrats like Mary Landrieu, Blanche Lincoln, Fritz Hollings, and Evan Bayh overcome their natural predilection for following the path of least resistance is to call, fax, and e-mail them 'til they surrender. And while you're at it, drop Charles Schumer a line thanking him for the brave stand he has taken on this issue.

UPDATE: The decision has apparently been made to filibuster. The battle is joined !!!

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